“Whenever I receive blood I can't help but look up at the bag and think about the donors who made it all possible. They saved my life!”

Charles, blood recipient

When Charles was just six months old, he was diagnosed with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) - a genetic condition that affects the shape of red blood cells causing extreme pain crisis and potential organ damage.

Growing up, Charles spent a lot of his childhood in and out of hospitals, sometimes being hospitalized for months on end. When he turned 14, he started a new treatment plan where, every six weeks, he would receive donated red blood cells to replace his affected sickle shaped blood cells.

“Whenever I receive blood I can't help but look up at the bag and think about the donors who made it all possible. They saved my life!”

Charles, blood recipient

Charles has had over 100 blood replacement procedures and will need hundreds more throughout his life. There are many Canadians like Charles who will need blood for life.


Reason 043

Because someone asked.

Reason 054

“Not everyone can donate blood or stem cells. But we can all be heroes in our own way”

Reason 019

Only 4 hospitals in Canada accept cord blood donations. The Lois Hole Hospital for Women in Edmonton is one of them.

Cord Blood
Reason 022

Organ transplant recipients may also need blood.
