blood supply

More than 23,000 donors across Canada needed by July 2

Having spent the last two decades rebuilding Canada’s blood system and regaining the trust of Canadians in this critical part of the health fabric of the country, Canadian Blood Services feels compelled to respond to Anne Kingston’s article.

(OTTAWA) – Throughout National Blood Donor Week from June 11 to 17, Canadian Blood Services urged Canadians to make an appointment to donate. More than 60,000 blood donors need to book appointments to donate by July 1 to ensure all patients have access to the blood and blood products they need. A noticeable increase in blood donations across the country last week indicates many Canadians have responded. However, the need for donors remains critical. All eligible donors are urged to book an appointment now to help replenish supplies. Less than two days’ supply of O-negative blood The national

Site to meet biologics manufacturing needs and better serve Canadian patients (CALGARY) – Canadian Blood Services welcomed over 70 invited guests to an official groundbreaking ceremony to mark the beginning of the construction phase of a new operations facility on Barlow Trail. After a move from its present downtown location, the facility will include production, testing and distribution capabilities in a location closer to major transportation routes – helping ensure that Canadians get the blood products they need, when they need them. The facility, set to open in 2020, will provide a modern

Inventory of blood needs an injection of 150,000 donations by July 1 With summer’s unofficial kick-off approaching this May long weekend, Canadian Blood Services is calling on all eligible Canadians to roll up their sleeves for patients. Canadian Blood Services boosts the blood supply every spring to prepare for the summer, when routines are disrupted as regular donors join the thousands of Canadians who head outdoors or out of town to enjoy the warm weather. This year, a stormy winter and a wet spring have left inventory levels lower than normal. That means there’s enough blood on the shelves
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