Organs & Tissues
for Life

Living donation
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Deceased donation
Register intent to donate
Organs & Tissues for Life Education Portal
We are on a mission to get teachers, students and families talking about organ donation. Knowledge is key to addressing young people’s concerns about organ and tissue donation.
It can help them feel empowered to talk about donation with their families and equip them to make informed choices in the future. Teach it. Learn it. Talk about it. It's vitally important.
National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week and Green Shirt Day
National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week (NOTDAW) raises awareness about the critical need for more donors across the country and encourages Canadians to register their decision and to talk to their loved ones about organ donation. In 2023, NOTDAW takes place April 23-29.
The Canada-wide Green Shirt Day (April 7) honours the legacy of Logan Boulet and his organ and tissue donation following the tragic Humboldt Broncos bus crash in Saskatchewan.
Canadian Blood Services' role in OTDT
Canadian Blood Services works with the Organ and Tissue Donation & Transplantation (OTDT) community to improve national system performance. We do this through the development of leading practices, professional education, public awareness and data analysis and reporting. We also manage clinical programs that support interprovincial sharing of organs.
Share relevant messaging on social media to help us reach our objective, increasing organ and tissue donation, increasing access to transplants and improving patient outcomes.