International meeting sets research agenda for changing eligibility for MSM blood donors
Wednesday, February 01, 2017
A two-day meeting held January 2017 brought together national and international stakeholders to identify research priorities for closing knowledge gaps that impact donor eligibility for men who have sex with men.
Mission-driven research – a uniquely focused approach
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
“ From the perspective of the blood system, our role I believe is to facilitate research that is required to provide patients with the safest and most effective blood and blood products.”
Blood and Guts: Management of the GI Bleed
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
The 12th Annual Transfusion Medicine Education Videoconference takes place April 12, 2017. Pre-register today.
A primer on platelets
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Blood is red. That’s because of the red blood cells or erythrocytes that whizz around your veins and arteries. The colour is a great visual marker, both clinically and emotionally, but sometimes its very redness hides the other important components that are in you to give. These include plasma, the straw-coloured liquid that carries red blood cells, white cells (leukocytes), other important molecules such as albumin, antibodies and coagulation factors, and tiny fragmentary cells called platelets. What are platelets ? Platelets, or thrombocytes, are spherical cells (shaped like "plates"), much
Supporting vital research through our Centre for Innovation: Part 2
Wednesday, January 04, 2017
We are now accepting applications for the 2017 competition of our Intramural Research Grant program!
Looking back on 2016: A year of research, education and discovery
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
The R.E.D. blog launched in February 2016 and we’ve published 47 articles that have attracted a combined total of 37,000 readers. We hope you’ve enjoyed them.
Sharing the News: Science Communication for … Scientists
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Communicating science is an important part of the job for anyone involved in clinical research, whether it takes place face-to-face with the patient, a donor or the wider scientific community. Unfortunately, outreach like this can seem a daunting prospect to the lab scientist and practitioner; it is often easier to hide behind the bench or the stethoscope.
Making decisions the right way – a global endeavour – Part 2
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Go back to Making decisions the right way - a global endeavour - Part 1 A risk-based decision-making analysis on babesia in Canada Canadian Blood Services put babesia risk through the risk-based decision-making framework. We were curious about babesia risk and the experience of using the framework to determine a course of action. To find out more, we caught up with Dr. Margaret Fearon, medical director of microbiology at Canadian Blood Services. She is an expert in infectious diseases and conducts surveillance of bloodborne pathogens and emerging infectious threats to the blood supply
Making decisions the right way – a global endeavour – Part 1
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Canadian Blood Services helped develop a unique framework for blood operators around the world to help improve and standardize the decision-making process when it comes blood safety.
Nancy Heddle – integrating expertise to make transfusion safer
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
How long is too long? New study reveals truth about age of red blood cells
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