Assignment Saving Lives Scholarship Program 2024 – Blood

Official Contest Rules (“Rules”):

  1. No Purchase or donation necessary: No purchase or donation of any kind is necessary to enter the Assignment Saving Lives Scholarship Program 2024–Blood (“Contest”) or to win a scholarship. 
  2. This Contest is offered by Canadian Blood Services (the “Sponsor”).
  3. Contest Period: The Contest begins on Monday June 24, 2024, at 12:01 am Mountain Time, and ends on Saturday September 21, 2024, at 11:59pm Mountain Time.
  4. Pre-Contest Registration Requirements: This Contest is open to legal residents of Canada, excluding legal residents of Quebec, who are 17 years of age or older sat the time of entry, who:
    1. are presently enrolled in a post-secondary education program in Canada and will still be enrolled by February28, 2025, or are presently enrolled in a secondary school in Canada and will be enrolled in a post-secondary education program in Canada by February28, 2025. Proof of enrolment in a post-secondary education programin accordance with these Rules will be required prior to being declared a winner; and
    2. fully complete and submit to the Sponsor the Canadian Blood Services Contest Registration form (“Registration Form”), on or before July 31st, 2024,at 11:59 pm Mountain Time (“Qualification Date”) 


      No (i) employee of the Sponsor; or (ii) immediate family members of individuals set out in (i) are eligible to enter the Contest. 

      Entrants are restricted to one (1) Registration Form per person, per Contest period.
  5. Registration Forms received after the Qualification Date will not be accepted.
  6. Entrants who meet the Pre-Contest Registration Requirements will be given access to recruitment support documents to assist them in recruiting potential donors. These documents cannot be altered and cannot be used or distributed for any purpose other than participating in this Contest.
  7. Entrants must complete an online orientation/training session, provided by the Sponsor, prior to recruitment activities. 
  8. Entrants under the age of majority in their resident province or territory must return to the Sponsor, on or before completing their online orientation/training session, a signed Parent/Guardian Consent form. 
  9. Contest Eligibility: In order to be eligible to participate in the random draw, Entrants must successfully recruit a minimum of ten (10) unique blood, plasma, or platelet donors (“Donor Recruits”)during the Contest Period using the Entrant’s Sponsor-assigned Partner for Life ID (“Entry”). Entrants will receive an additionalEntry into the random draw for every additional five (5) Donor Recruits.For clarity, an Entrant may recruit Donor Recruits from any participating province or territory.  

    A Donor Recruit is one who (1) meets basic donation eligibility requirements (including minimum age requirement) established by the Sponsor, (2) has registered using the Entrant’s Sponsor-provided Partner for Life ID, (3) has booked an appointment, and (4) has checked into their appointment. No donation is required. 

    Prospective donor recruits will not be counted as a Donor Recruit unless all four (4) of the above criteria are met.For clarity, an Entrant can recruit themselves for the purposes of this Contest. 

    “Unique”, means that each individual recruited donor will be counted as one(1) Donor Recruit for the purposes of Contest Eligibility. For clarity, where a Donor Recruit books and attends multiple appointments, including different types of appointments(i.e., whole blood, plasma, or platelets) during the Contest Period, they will only count as one(1) Donor Recruit. 

    Only one(1) Entrant will be credited for recruiting any Donor Recruit.  

    If a Donor Recruit’s name appears on two or more Entrant recruitment lists, credit will be attributed to the Entrant who first presents the Donor Recruit’s name to the Sponsor. In case of any dispute, the Sponsor’s decision on the Entrant to be credited with the recruitment of the Donor Recruit is final and binding on all Entrants. 
  10. Entrants must be forthright with Donor Recruits, including prospective donorrecruits, of the purpose for which they are recruiting. Entrants must not intentionally misinform or mislead individuals that they are recruiting for Contest purposes.  

    Entrants must advise all Donor Recruits that no purchase or donation of any kind is required toparticipate in the Contest.  

    Any behavior contrary to these Rules may result in an Entrant’s disqualification from the Contest or forfeiture of a scholarship, if awarded. 
  11. Scholarships 
    Up to sixty-one (61) scholarships will be awarded (“Scholarship”). 

    Any Scholarships awarded shall only be used by the winner to defray the cost of a Canadian post-secondary education program, such as the cost of tuition, books, or accommodation. Scholarships are non-transferable and must be accepted as awarded by the winner. 

    See section 14 for what will occur in the event of a tie for any of the Scholarships under section 12, as this will impact the final distribution of Scholarships. The Sponsor reserves the right to redistribute the Scholarship amounts awarded, at its sole discretion.
  12. Scholarships – New Donor Recruits and Most Donor Recruits 

    Winners of a Scholarship under this section are not eligible to participate in the random draw. 

    New Donor Recruits are Donor Recruits who do not have an existing donor file with the Sponsor. 
    1. Scholarship – New Donor Recruits, National 

      One (1) national Scholarship, in the amount of $1000, will be awarded to the qualified Entrant who recruited the highest number of New Donor Recruits. This Scholarship will be awarded on a national basis to one (1) Entrant residing in any of the participating regions.
    2. Scholarships – New Donor Recruits, Regional 

      There are five (5) regional Scholarships, in the amount of $2000, which will be awarded to the qualified Entrants who recruited the highest number of New Donor Recruitsin their regionas follows. Scholarships will be allocated on a regional basis: One (1) for Entrants in British Columbia and the Yukon, collectively; one (1) for Entrants in Alberta; one (1) for Entrants in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut, collectively; one (1) for Entrants in Ontario, and one (1) for Entrants in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Prince Edward Island, collectively.
    3. Scholarships – Highest Number of Donor Recruits, Regional 

      There are five (5) Scholarships, in the amount of $1500, which will be awarded to the qualified Entrants who recruited the highest number ofDonor Recruits in their region.Scholarships will be allocated on a regional basis. One (1) Scholarship for Entrants in British Columbia and the Yukon, collectively; one (1) Scholarship for Entrants in Alberta; one (1) Scholarship for Entrants in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut, collectively; one (1) Scholarship for Entrants in Ontario, and one (1) Scholarship for Entrants in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Prince Edward Island, collectively.
    4. Scholarships – Second Highest Number of Donor Recruits, Regional 

      There are (5) Scholarships, in the amount of $1000, which will be awarded to the qualified Entrant who recruited the second highest number of Donor Recruits in their region.Scholarships will be allocated on a regional basis.One (1) Scholarship forEntrants in British Columbia and the Yukon, collectively; one (1) ScholarshipforEntrants in Alberta; one (1) Scholarship for Entrants in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut, collectively; one (1) Scholarship forEntrants in Ontario, and one (1) Scholarship forEntrants inNova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Prince Edward Island, collectively.
  13. Scholarships – Random Draw: 

    Winners of a Scholarship under section 12 are noteligible to participate inthe random draw. 

    Entrants in the random draw are only eligible to win one (1) random draw Scholarship.  

    Remainingeligible Entrants,i.e. those who have not won a Scholarship under section 12, who successfully collected a minimum of ten(10) Donor Recruits will be entered into a random draw at the end of the Contest Period. Entrants will receive an additional Entry into the random draw for every additional five (5) Donor Recruits.
    1. Up to forty-five (45) Scholarships, in an amount of up to $750, will be awarded by random draw as follows, with Scholarships allocated on a regional basis. The number of Scholarships awarded by random draw, and the monetary value of them, are subject to change.See section 14for what will occur in the event of a tie in section 12, as this will impactdistribution of Scholarships awarded by random draw. The Sponsor reserves the right to redistribute or reduce the Scholarship quantities andamounts awarded in this section, at its sole discretion.
    2. Scholarshipswill be awarded by random drawon a regional basisfrom the remaining eligible Entries in that region. There will be up to seven (7) Scholarships available in British Columbia and the Yukon, collectively; up to seven (7) Scholarships available in Alberta; up to seven (7) Scholarships available in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut, collectively; up to seven (17) Scholarships available in Ontario, and up to seven (7) Scholarships available in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Prince Edward Island, collectively.
  14. Tie: In the event of a tie for any of the Scholarships outlined in sections12.1, 12.2, 12.3, and/or 12.4, the following will occur:
    1. Where there is a tie for a Scholarship under section 12.1 (New Donor Recruits, National), only one Entrant will receive the Scholarship. The winner of the Scholarship will be determined via random draw, as follows. For clarity, the random draw used as a tie-break is separate from the random draw for a Scholarship under section 13. 

      The Entrant whose name is selected via random draw will be the prospective winner of the New Donor Recruits, National-Scholarship. The other Entrants who were eligible for that Scholarship will still be eligible to win a Scholarship by random draw under section 13,
    2. Where there is a tie for a Scholarship under section 12.2, 12.3 or 12.4, alleligible Entrants will receive the full Scholarship amount outlined in these Rules, regardless of a tie. For clarity, this means that all Entrants who tie for the specific Scholarship, will still receive that Scholarship. 
    3. The number of Scholarships awarded under section 13 by random draw, and/or the dollar value of the Scholarships awarded under section 13 by random draw, will be reduced to account for the ties that occurred under section 12.
  15. Notification of Winners: The selection and notification of prospective Scholarship winners of the Contest is scheduled to take place after October 7, 2024, but no later than November 1, 2024 (“Draw”). Prospective winners will be notified through the contact information provided to the Sponsor on their Registration Form.
  16. The chances of winning a Scholarship depend on the number of eligible Entries received by the end of the Contest Period. 
  17. Before being declared a winner, all prospective Scholarship winners must correctly answer, without assistance, a mathematical skill-testing question.
  18. The Sponsor reserves the right to prohibit an Entrant from participating in the Contest or winning a Scholarship if, in the sole discretion of the Sponsor, it determines that the Entrant is attempting to undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest by cheating, deception, or other unfair playing practices or intending to annoy, abuse or threaten or harass any other Entrants, potential donor recruits or Donor Recruits, or the Sponsor’s representatives. The Sponsor reserves the right to disqualify any Entrant failing to comply with the Rules. Any attempt to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of this Contest may be a violation of criminal and/or civil laws, and should such an attempt be made, the Sponsor reserves the right to seek remedies and damages to the fullest extent permitted by law.
  19. An Entrant will not be declared a winner unless duly authorized representatives of the Sponsor have reviewed and approved the Entry, the Entrant (or the Entrant’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) if the Entrant is under the age of majority in their resident province or territory) has signed and returned the Affidavit of Eligibility/Standard Declaration and Release and provided proof of enrolment to the Sponsor. 
  20. By entering this Contest, each Entrant agrees to comply fully with the Rules, and, for each winning Entrant, to the use of their name, image, photograph, voice, sobriquet, place of residence and/or statement regarding the Scholarshipfor advertising, promotion or publicity purposes, or for general news, entertainment and information purposes, without compensation.
  21. The winner (or the winner’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) if the winner is under the age of majority in their resident province or territory) must return, within fourteen (14) calendar days (via email to your Sponsor representative) of the Draw, an executed copy of the Affidavit of Eligibility/Standard Declaration and Release that will be provided upon selection. The winner (or the winner’s parent or legal guardian if the winner is under the age of majority in their resident province or territory) must sign a document (1) warranting that the Scholarship they may receive will only be used to defray the cost of a post-secondary education program in Canada, for which they are or will be enrolled in by February 28, 2025; and (2) releasing and indemnifying the Sponsor and each of its respective co-sponsors, affiliates, members, directors, independent advertising agencies from any liability in connection with the Scholarshipor the Contest.
  22. If a prospective Scholarship winner is disqualified for any reason, cannot be contacted by the contact information provided on their Registration Form, is unable to correctly answer the skill-testing question or fails to return to the Sponsor the Affidavit of Eligibility/Standard Declaration and Release within the time period required, the prospective winner forfeits the Scholarship with no liability to the Sponsor. The Scholarship will be awarded to an alternate Entrant from all remaining entries received by the end of the Contest Period who are eligible to receive the Scholarship, as applicable. 
  23. If a prospective Scholarship winner decides to not pursue a post-secondary education program in Canada, is not enrolled in a post-secondary education program in Canada by February 28, 2025, or cannot provide legitimate proof of enrollment as required under these Rules, the prospective winner forfeits the Scholarship.No alternate or substituteScholarship will be awarded. The Sponsor will then reapply the funds to future Scholarships.
  24. All Scholarships will be paid directly to the winners. Where applicable, the Scholarship will be held in trust, without interest, for the prospective winner until they graduate from secondary school and/or is enrolled in a post-secondary education program within Canada, for a period not to exceed February 28, 2025. If the prospective winner is not enrolled by February 28, 2025, they will forfeit the Scholarship and the Sponsor will then reapply the funds to future Scholarships.
  25. Scholarship payments made by cheque rather than electronic funds transfer (EFT) must be deposited within the applicable required timeframedeemed acceptable by the winners’ bank (“Stale Date”). Canadian Blood Services will not substitute or replace any Scholarship awarded by cheque past the Stale Date.
  26. By participating in the Contest, each Entrant consents to the collection, use and disclosure, as applicable, of their personal information (information that identifies an entrant as an individual, such as their telephone number, email, age, Social Insurance Number (“SIN”), bank information, home address, post-secondary institution or program, and/or secondary school institution) for the purposes of implementing, administering or fulfilling the Contest and/or the award of any Scholarship.We may also use this information to contact you about our programs, including donation opportunities. Please see our Web Privacy Statement. SIN and bank information will only be requested from prospective winners and used to administer a Scholarship.
  27. Each Entrant’s first name and last initial will be included in status reports that will be shared will all other Entrants during the Contest Period to inform them of how many Donor Recruits other Entrants have recruited. 
  28. Any inquiry concerning the personal information held by the Sponsor should be addressed to:
  29. The Sponsor reserves the right to modify or cancel the Contest in whole or in part, including extending the Contest Period at their discretion.
  30. This Contest is subject to all federal, provincial, and municipal laws. Void where prohibited. All decisions made by the Sponsor are final.