Jennifer Seo
Winnipeg, Man.
"What I do matters because it helps save lives. I know that somewhere, my efforts are helping someone."
Eight years, and hundreds of hours graciously given: Jennifer has continuously been a dedicated and passionate volunteer with Canada’s Lifeline.
She first began volunteering in high school, organizing donation events and shuttles to bring in blood donors. While many volunteers understandably take a break when making a major life transition such as starting university, Jennifer continued her work at the University of Manitoba, joining the on-campus blood team in 2012 and eventually becoming chair. Today, she is the head organizer, coordinating booths at the university to promote Canadian Blood Services and recruit donors for upcoming donation events.
Independent and responsible, Jennifer has proven herself over and over to be a successful leader with a great deal of integrity.
Although Jennifer will never meet the patients who will receive blood from the donors she has inspired to give, that does not diminish her passion for supporting Canada’s Lifeline.