Kate Potts
Lethbridge, Alta.
"One important thing I’ve learned is that many people don’t donate because they’ve never been asked to — so I typically just ask people to give blood. I believe most Canadians are unaware of the ongoing need for blood, or they don’t feel they can make a difference with their one donation. My experience shows them otherwise."
Vibrant, energetic and healthy, Kate is alive today thanks to the many blood donors who helped saved her life.
Diagnosed at age four with acute myeloid leukemia, Kate’s small body went through a lot in just one year. Thankfully, after receiving several rounds of chemotherapy as well as multiple blood transfusions, she survived — and has been cancer-free for 17 years.
Today, Kate shows no signs of slowing down. She loves to rock-climb, is a student at the University of Lethbridge, actively volunteers for a number of organizations, and hopes to eventually land a career in the non-profit sector.
In 2017, Kate worked as a summer student recruiter with Canadian Blood Services in Lethbridge. Not only was she successful in her role; she made an impact in her community by sharing her story and inspiring others to join Canada’s Lifeline.
Over the last three years, she has also served on the executive team of the Lethbridge Lifesavers Club, a group of university students who ensure Canadian Blood Services has a focused presence on campus.