Michelle Dunn
Chilliwack, British Columbia
“Every time I’m asked for a unit of whole blood, I’m reminded of the importance of blood donation,” says Michelle Dunn, a medical laboratory technologist at Chilliwack Hospital.
Among other responsibilities, Michelle helps to maintain the hospital’s inventory of blood and blood products. “We rely on donated blood to treat people who are unwell or injured. By donating blood and encouraging others to donate, I feel like I’m making a difference.”
As a child, she sometimes tagged along when her mother donated blood and planned to become a regular donor once she was old enough. Initially, however, her success as a curler forced her to find other ways to contribute.
“I competed provincially and on the world curling tour for several years, which made it hard to donate regularly,” she says. Michelle convinced Canadian Blood Services to sponsor her team, and she began to organize donor events, including some at the Chilliwack and Abbotsford curling clubs. She now curls recreationally and donates blood regularly.
“I continue to encourage my friends and colleagues to donate when the mobile clinic comes to town every couple of weeks,” she says. “I see the impact that donated blood makes every working day.”