My blood donation and volunteering story

I migrated from Nigeria to Canada in 2023, and as a blood donor, I wanted to continue donating blood in Canada. So in Jan. 2024 I booked an appointment for blood donation.

As a newcomer, I went for my appointment without any form of identification, and I was politely asked to go back and get my ID as the only way to donate. Honestly I was tired, but because I knew lives depend on the blood we donate, I went back and got my ID.

I completed my questionnaire and went in for screening and the nurse said I can't donate blood because I came to Canada just about 4 months before that day. They said I would have to wait for 3 years.

I knew it was a restriction to protect lives in Canada, but at the same time I felt sad, tired, stressed for the fact that I traveled sucha  long distance twice and now NO result. Then the nurse looked at me and said 'I understand you really want to help, but for the safety of others we can't take your blood. But you can still help by volunteering with us.'

I felt happy that at least there was something I could do. She told me to go to the website and follow instructions for volunteering. So I applied and took a lot of trainings, and finally was given a shadow shift date in February.

Look at me today. Even though am not donating yet, at least I offer massive support to donors, and also tell people about blood donation.

Do you feel like you want to save life? You can start your journey today at

Oluchukwu Grace

Ottawa, Ontario

Canadian Blood Services volunteer in red shirt