Give 3 in 2023: Ranjit, plasma and blood donor

December 8, 2022
Plasma and blood donor with Sikh Nation outdoors

Ranjit helps patients through Sikh Nation, the largest contributor to our Partners for Life program

Ranjit first began supporting patients as a blood donor in India. Today, he donates as part of Sikh Nation — the largest contributor to our pledge-based Partners for Life Program.  

When we established a new plasma donor centre in Brampton, Ont., Ranjit was there to cut the ribbon and make a donation on opening day. 

We’re now pleased to highlight Ranjit in a portrait series by celebrity photographer George Pimentel. It inaugurates our Give 3 in 2023 challenge — a call to people across Canada to make three different kinds of contributions to Canadian Blood Services to support patients. 

There are so many ways to make all the difference. Donating blood and plasma are just two of them. You could also start today by making a financial donation, joining the stem cell registry, or volunteering to help us recruit blood or stem cell donors.  

You could even begin by following us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok. Share stories like Ranjit’s with friends and family, or tag @canadaslifeline in posts about your own #3in2023 journey. Together, we are Canada’s Lifeline. 

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