Give 3 in 2023: Darcy, blood and plasma recipient, with his family

Donors have supported Darcy through both chronic illness and traumatic injury
For more than three decades, Darcy Wagner has thrived in spite of an immune disease, thanks to medications made from donated plasma. Then in 2020, donors came to his rescue for a completely different reason: a farming accident in which he lost his leg.
Darcy and his son Troy, a committed blood donor, first shared their story to help inspire others in fall 2021. Now we’re proud to showcase this family in a portrait series by celebrity photographer George Pimentel. It inaugurates our Give 3 in 2023 challenge — a call to people across Canada to make three different kinds of contributions to Canadian Blood Services to support patients.
“We live such a blessed life. And dad's ability to get his blood donations has given us this world that we live in now,” says Troy.
From making a first blood or plasma donation, to volunteering at a donor centre, to hosting a swabbing event to recruit potential donors for the stem cell registry, there are so many ways to make all the difference.
You could even start by following us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok. Share stories like Darcy’s with friends and family, or tag @canadaslifeline in posts about your own #3in2023 journey. Together, we are Canada’s Lifeline.